Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Surviving a lightning strike: Shock and awe

Many of us can appreciate this article. If you have ever experience a lightning strike read this article and his followuo article at: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Burnette/

Here is an excerpt:
"[ Don’t miss part 2: Life without the Internet: Zapped off the grid ]

lightning.jpgWhat I’ll remember most is the sound. To call it “loud” is simply not an adequate description. The sound was a physical force, a sledgehammer to the chest and a blow to the very foundations of reality. There was light as well of course–the whole world turning white for an instant–but light I can deal with. There is no number on the decibel scale that can do justice to that sound. It was so sudden and unexpected. You’re supposed to see the lightning first, and then hear the thunder. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3, count the seconds to tell how far away it is. Not this time. Impossibly, the sound seemed to happen before the flash. Time stopped. And then there was silence, and darkness. Read the rest of this entry »

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