Wednesday, August 19, 2009

iPhone/Touch Identity Screen

I wanted to display my name, phone number, and email address to the finder of my iPod Touch if it were lost and some good Samaritan managed to turn it on. My IPod Touch is Passcode protected. Some of the identity apps, like My info, need to be actually run, in order to make the information visible. That means someone has to get passed the Passcode for the information to be seen.

Other applications, like If Found set the iPhone/Touch wallpaper to display the data. This is displayed on the Passcode screen.

If you want to start from scratch, to create a unique wallpaper poster, check out:

iPhone/Touch Wallpaper

Other suggestions include:
The EasyShot App
And PhotoForge

I created a JPEG with my contact information at the top of a photo using on my computer and downloaded it to the Touch using iTunes. I then
selected it as wallpaper, and it shows up on the initial screen above the
Passcode keyboard.

Ron K

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