Friday, November 14, 2008

Cool Kitchen Gadgets: Darth Vader Toaster

This is one instance where you’re allowed to play with your food.

Imagine if you will, you’re hiding behind your counter, when POP! Your toast emerges from the toaster, branded with the face of the Dark Side, Darth Vader! You do somersaults, jump to your feet, then before you take a bite, you announce in a raspy and deep James Earl Jones voice, “Luke, I am your father, prepare to die!”

A bit over the top, maybe, for a morning routine, but at least now you have the option when you pick up this Darth Vader toaster. This kitchen gadget puts the face of the Star Wars villain on each piece of toast. For only $54.99, you can make your dream of defeating the Dark Side every morning come true!

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