Friday, November 14, 2008

Get rid of Winter blues

The goLite Blu
from Phillips gets rid of winter blues
Gloomy winter days can get to even the most cheerful of people eventually, so companies have started making light therapy clocks. It triggers your release of “active” hormones and keeps you feeling more cheerful. Oddly the light can even help you sleep better at night. Since it gives you so much more energy during the day, it makes it so that at night you’re a lot more restful. Which just about anyone could do with a better nights sleep. Apparently the key is with the blue light itself, due to our bodies reactions to a bright blue summer sky.

All you have to do is flip on the light for 15 minutes a day. Which would be easy to fit into a morning routine. Whether it be while eating breakfast, or for the ladies while putting on makeup and fixing their hair. The light comes with a two year warranty, but unfortunately it is a bit expensive. To pick up the light it will cost you $279. However, if you tend to get really down every winter it might end up being worth it to spend the money.

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